11 Plus Mock Exams- Heswall Hall

Our 11 Plus Mock exams for 2024 are now available to book online. All available dates are listed below.

Our mock exams are carefully crafted to closely resemble the real 11 Plus GL exam. We spend many hours researching exam content, and writing up-to-date papers, with the aim of giving children the very best, most realistic experience.

Each of our 11 plus mock exams is different, so you can book as many as you wish. We advise you book at least 2 mock exams so that your child will have the opportunity to improve.

Our mock exams will help your child to:

  • Build confidence and overcome nerves under exam conditions.
  • Develop and perfect exam technique and timing.
  • Become familiar with the format and subject content of the GL 11 Plus exam.

All our mock exams will be taking place at one of two centres: Hoylake Community Centre and Heswall Hall.

We provide detailed feedback on your child’s performance, including advice on which subject areas are strong and which need further attention and practice.

We report on your child’s marks achieved for each subject area, and provide a detailed report on average marks attained so that you can compare your child’s results to others in the cohort.

  • We also provide Upton Hall and St Anselm’s mock exams. Please visit these booking pages if you wish your child to take one of these.
  • Maximum 22 places per exam at Heswall Hall. Book early to avoid disappointment.
  • If you book a mock exam at Heswall Hall, then no need to book at Hoylake Community Centre the following week. These mocks are the same. So mock exam 1 at Heswall Hall is the same as Mock exam 1 at Hoylake Community Centre.

11 Plus Mock Exams

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